VCU Trademarks & Licensing

A wordmark or logo can be registered through two different entities: statewide with the State Corporation Commission (SCC) or nationally and internationally with the United States Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO).

Steps to Registering a VCU Trademark

  1. Start the planning and request process early. It can take several months to a year for the process to be finalized.
  2. Review the Criteria for Registering a Trademark.
  3. Fill out the Request for Trademark Application.
  4. We will review your request and then submit it to the Vice President of Finance and Budget and the Vice President of University Relations for review and approval of the trademark.

Note: Approval to use the university’s brand does not constitute approval to use the brand again, including on renewals, without seeking additional approval.

Accessing VCU’s Protected Marks

VCU faculty, staff and students can access the university’s brand standards guide and download university marks on VCU Identity’s website. Licensed vendors have access to .eps files of all licensed university mark through CLC.